I thought WrestleMania 28 was a pretty solid event. Especially if you can overlook the Daniel Bryan squash and the borderline racist Brodus Clay skit. The highlights:
- Taker vs. Triple H: Great match and excellent storytelling. All three of the principals played their roles well. And despite the "End of An Era" tag, I don't think we've seen the last of any of these guys.
- The Rock vs. Cena: Good match. The right ending for that crowd. Told a nice story and everyone went home happy. The Rock did well to take eight years off and still be able to wrestle 30 minutes
- C.M. Punk vs. Chris Jericho: Another good match. I was surprised by the ending but the feud will continue.
- The food: I ate my weight in chocolate chip cookies, pizza and chips. Always a plus.